Labradoodle puppies + puppy care package

Labradoodle 336 views For Sale ID: 28867
$ 800.00

Published on July 3, 2023. Modified on July 3, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


These Labradoodle puppies, aged 7 weeks, have received their vaccinations, been dewormed, and are excelling in their potty training. They share the calm temperament of their parents and have had extensive exposure to both children and adults since birth.

Each puppy will come with a comprehensive puppy care package that includes information on vaccinations and a bag of food, among other things.

The mother is an F1 Labradoodle, while the father is a black lab. Both parents possess a gentle nature and are excellent with children, individuals, and other dogs. If wanna, you can meet the parents in person.

If you're searching for an intelligent, devoted, and sociable dog that enjoys being by your side, one of these puppies will be the perfect fit.

If interested, please reach out via call or text. If I am unable to answer, kindly leave a message, and I will promptly respond.


United States
44.5363364, -122.9072329
(541) 981-xxxx Send message
Vanessa Rabine
Vanessa Rabine
1 active listings
Last online 10 months ago
Registered for 10+ months
Lebanon, Oregon, United States
(541) 981-xxxx (541) 981-xxxx
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