Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Kalispell, Montana on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
We have a beautiful litter of Labradoodle puppies, all in a beautiful chocolate color. There are 5 adorable pups available, with 3 males and 2 females. They are currently 8 weeks old and have received their first shots. These little cuties are now ready to find their forever homes. If you're interested, feel free to give Dale a call.
I have beautiful Chiweenie puppies who were born on November 10. There are two males and one female left. Ready to be adopted into good homes. The price is $800. Please call for more information.
We have a litter of Goldador puppies looking for their forever homes. They were born on the 25th of October and ready for or before Christmas. The mother is a golden retriever. Dad is a black lab from England. They've both been taught to look for sheds. Bird dogs, horn hunters, fishing companions, and cuddly family members are all possibilities. For the quic...
Seven beautiful Siberian Husky puppies, 4 boys 3 girls. All the pups will be wormed, flead and micro chipped. They will also be health checked and vaccinated. They will be ready to go after 8 weeks (from 18th may).Only 1 girl and 1 boy are available right now. Others are reserved. Their parents(Mum & Dad) are full bred Siberian huskies who are grown as f...
Absolutely luxurious litter of long haired chihuahua boys available for reserving & ready to leave in few weeks time. 3 lilac & 1 chocoate. All puppies will leave with free insurance, kennel club paperwork, sales contract, puppy pack and support for life. Both parents can be met with the puppies and are absolutely stunning dogs from Russian bloodline...
I have 3 females purebred CKC registered Siberian husky puppies for sale. They were born on January 1st. They're current on vaccinations. They enjoy being outside and the cold weather. They love kids and make great pets for the family.