Parti Yorkie babies

$ 1100.00
Yorkshire Terrier
1 year
United States
1 view
ID: 29452
Published 1 year ago by Daniel Pinello
$ 1100.00
In Yorkshire Terrier category
Austin, Texas, United States
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Hello! Our parti yorkies had babies and we want to find them a caring home. They got their shots and ate mostly natural homemade food with some puppy food. They are purebred but only the mom has official papers. You can come get them or we can bring them to you in Austin or San Antonio. They are 7 weeks old and live with us and their parents. Read more

Published on September 14, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


Hello! Our parti yorkies had babies and we want to find them a caring home. They got their shots and ate mostly natural homemade food with some puppy food. They are purebred but only the mom has official papers. You can come get them or we can bring them to you in Austin or San Antonio. They are 7 weeks old and live with us and their parents.
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