Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Tupelo, Mississippi on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
Mini Aussie puppies born on 6/2/24 and will be ready on 7/21/24. Both mom and dad are here and the puppies will have their first shots and be dewormed. $400 for Merle’s and $200 for black tries. Call or text for more info!
Beautiful Boxer puppies born on 06-10-22. Puppies are friendly and have undergone one set of shots. Tails have been docked, and dew claws have been removed. Parents have wonderful personalities. I have both male and female in this litter. Registered with the CKC. Parents' photos are featured. Beautiful fawns with flashes!
2 females and 1 male Siberian husky puppies are ready to go, they have had ther first shot and therefore are dewormed, all have blue eyes. Documents from Academic Kennel Records and CKC is going to be available after each sale, so the pups will probably be registered inside your name because new owner. You will also be given health and vaccination pack, they...
10 weeks old Chiweennies for sale. They are vet checked, 1st shots, wormed, bath, nails trimmed, and housebreaking started. Pictures don't do justice they are very small. Mom and dad are 2lbs. These puppies will not be more than 2-3lbs. The puppies need good homes and just good home! Parents are inside dogs and puppies have been inside the whole life except ...
Pembroke welsh corgi puppies. Very excited! All tri-color. Male ladies available. They will start at 1200 dollars for pet/companion akc papers limited. Send us a text or email if you would like to obtain additional pictures. Dad was tested clear, dm, eic, vwd1, rcd3 Price, location, number all included Thank you
I have 5 Full Blooded purebred German Shepherd puppies, 3 boys 2 girls. They will be ready for their new home on Jan. 31st. They will be vaccinated, wormed and up to date upon re-homing. Parents are on site. (THEY ARE NOT REGISTERED) Serious inquiries only!! If you are interested, call for more information. (NO EMAILS PLEASE) Thanks...