6 gorgeous Husky puppies, 5 females and 1 male with striking blue eyes and coats in shades of brown and gray. They are ready to find new homes, and the rehoming fee is $300. To meet these adorable pups, please call to schedule a viewing.
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Selling Siberian Husky puppies for $350 each. They are a few months old, with four completely white ones and two that are dark grey with white. You can either meet me in a public place or come to my home to see the puppies and meet their parents if you're not sure which one to choose. I only accept cash, so feel free to call or text if you're interested.
There are 2 female and 5 male Siberian Husky puppies available. They were born on June 24, 2024, and will be ready to go to their new homes on August 19th when they are 8 weeks old. The puppies are being dewormed at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age, and will also have their first set of shots done by the vet. If you are interested, please text for more informatio...
Black and white female husky puppy with blue eyes born on Father's Day. She will be ready on 8/11 and there is a rehoming fee of 650. She comes with a harness, leash, and a small bag of puppy food. If interested, please send your number and I will give you a call, or you can text me. Thank you!
The Siberian Husky puppies are 11 weeks old, born on May 5, 2024. There are 3 females and 1 male available. A rehoming fee of $150 is required. They have been weaned and are now eating solid foods. The puppies have received their first set of shots and have been dewormed. It is important to contact your veterinarian for follow-up care and rabies vaccination.
Diamond is a true treasure. She is a 7-month-old female Siberian Husky with stunning mostly white fur and some black markings. Her gorgeous blue eyes are truly captivating. Diamond is intelligent, energetic, and a quick learner, and she is also potty trained. She loves going on hikes and rolling in the grass, as well as chasing butterflies. Diamond is a wond...
Three beautiful Huskies are eagerly awaiting their forever homes! We have a lively male and two loving females, all brimming with affection and vitality. They adore snuggles, gentle strokes, and are always ready for a fun-filled playtime. Every puppy has been fully vaccinated and will be ready to become a cherished member of your family on July 9. The cost f...
I currently have two adorable male husky puppies with white fur, as well as two female husky puppies with a combination of red and white fur. These little ones are all set to find their forever homes! They have received their first round of vaccinations and have been dewormed for their well-being. Although they are not registered, they are purebred huskies, ...
4 purebred Husky puppies, born on March 12th, will be available for adoption starting May 7th. There are two female puppies with white fur, one male puppy with white fur, and one male puppy with brindle fur. The mother is registered with AKC, while the father is not registered but is a full breed.
I'm currently searching for forever homes for my 4 Siberian Huskies! We have 2 boys and 2 girls available. The boys are wearing green and orange collars, while the girls have purple and pink collars. These adorable pups are currently 4 weeks old and will be ready to go to their new homes in mid-end April. They have already been dewormed at 2 and 4 weeks, and...
These little cuties will be all ready to go to their new homes on 03/26. Rest assured, they will come with their first round of shots, dewormed, and Health Certificates. If you're curious, the last two pictures showcase the proud mom and dad. The price for these lovely pups is $1300. Feel free to reach out to us via call or text.
We had 7 adorable husky puppies that are 8 weeks old. There are 5 puppies still available. They are already potty trained and great with kids and cats. These puppies are 100% Siberian husky. You can come see them in person, and their parents are also here for you to meet. 2 of the puppies are all white, while the rest are black and white. We have pictures an...
$ 400.00
Siberian HuskyFor Adoption/Rehoming77 people viewed
I have 4 Husky puppies that need new homes. There are 3 boys and 1 girl still available. The puppies are purebred but not registered, but they have received all their shots and dewormer. If you have any questions, please contact me at the provided information. Thank you! - Caitlyn White.
My Siberian husky had six puppies. This is our fourth time having puppies and it will be our last. There is one white boy, one white girl, one brown girl, and two black girls. The white ones are solid in color, while the others have lovely white markings. I love them so much and will respond to any serious inquiries. They were born on February 11, 2024.
I still have one husky/border collie mix puppy available. She is 7 weeks old and is doing well with potty training. She is very friendly and gentle, and enjoys cuddling at night. She hasn't received any shots yet, but she has been dewormed and is healthy. She has been around other dogs and children and gets along with them. Although she hasn't been around ca...
We have Akc Agouti Siberian Husky puppies, set to embark on their new journey from January 5th. Visit us in Columbia, SC 29210, or opt for convenient delivery. We have 2 males and 1 female eagerly awaiting a loving home. They come with first shots, dewormings, and a puppy pack for a seamless start.
Husky puppies need a loving home. The female is all white, the rest are males, blue eyes, 10 weeks old. Asking $300 due to no shots. Call or text for questions.
2 healthy and strong Husky puppies born on 10-9-2023 need a new home. Only 1 male and 1 female left. Check the post for pictures of mom and dad, and contact me for more details or to arrange a FaceTime session.
I'm rehoming two 9-week-old Siberian Husky puppies, one male and one female. They're friendly, dewormed, and I have both parents, though they aren't registered. Female is in pic 2, male in pic 3.
I have 6 adorable husky puppies (4 males, 3 females) born on Sep 17, 2023. Ready for new homes on Nov 12, 2023. Last 2 pics show parents - father is Siberian husky and German shepherd mix, mother is purebred husky. Playful, raised around kids, trained with pine litter. First shots included. Small rehoming fee.
I have 2 boy puppies, both pure Husky with blue eyes. They were born on October 4th and will be ready to go soon. At 6 weeks, they will be vaccinated and dewormed, and then they will be ready to go home. They are available in white and black/white with blue eyes. The price for each puppy is $800. If you are interested, you can come and see the puppies and ha...
I have a cute female husky puppy who is 2 months old. She is playful and sweet. If anyone is interested, please contact me. She is also learning potty training and crate training.
Today only, I am rehoming 350 cash each for 5 Siberian husky puppies. They are 8 weeks old, with one male and four females. Due to people not showing up, I have decided to lower the rehoming fee. If you are able to come and get them, please email, message, or call. The puppies are located at 83rd Ave and Indian School. Please do not ask for more pictures, if...
Stunning Siberian husky puppies for sale. They are purebred and come with registration paperwork. They have received their shots, been vet checked, and dewormed. Both males and females are available. Please contact me for more information. The price is $950 on each
We have 7 farm raised Siberian husky puppies born on 10-05-23. They will be ready to go to their new home in two months. Both parents on site. For more information, please text or call. We are located in Kennewick, Washington.