750 results found in German Shepherd Dog
The German Shepherd is a highly intelligent and versatile breed of dog. They are known for their loyalty, courage, and working abilities. Originally bred for herding, they are now widely used in various roles, including police work, search and rescue, and as service dogs. German Shepherds are large, strong dogs with a distinctive appearance, often tan and black or solid black. They require regular exercise and mental stimulation and are known for their strong protective instincts, making them excellent guard dogs and loyal family companions when well-trained and socialized.
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4 years
2 purebred male GSD puppies left
$ 1000.00
2 purebred male GSD puppies left
2 purebred male GSD puppies left available for sale. 60 days. Black/Tan coat. Super sweet. Love being with folks. Get on well with dogs. We're implementing crate/bathroom training using them. Perfect for children! Requesting $600 OBO. We need to locate them new homes ASAP. They'll include a bag of food for transitioning, vaccination/deworming papers. Thanks!
$ 1000.00
4 years
Miguel A. Olvera
4 years
4 years
German Shepherd puppies. Six males and 7 females
$ 500.00
German Shepherd puppies. Six males and 7 females
We have 13 - 4.5 week old German Shepherd puppies. Six males and 7 females. They're top quality, intelligent, stable temperament dogs. A great cross between working line and show line dogs. Sire is 95 pounds and Dam is 80 pounds. Single parents on premises. Pups have been wormed 3 times, are you eating puppy food they shall be ready for first time homes in 2...
$ 500.00
4 years
German Shepherd Puppies have AKC Reg
$ 500.00
German Shepherd Puppies have AKC Reg
Six AKC German Shepherd Puppies now available. Puppies born on May 3. Dam is AKC who have been DNA tested and DM clear. She's nice build with fluid movement as well as solid temperment to generate wonderful family companion. Puppies have AKC registration application and litter pedigree. Puppies will be sold with agreement for health guarantee, return contrac...
$ 500.00
4 years
4 years
MD German Shepherds
4 years
4 years
6 FeMaLe gErMaN ShEpHeRd
$ 800.00
6 FeMaLe gErMaN ShEpHeRd
i hAvE 6 (sIx) FeMaLe gErMaN ShEpHeRd/mAlAmUtE PuPpIeS, oRiGiNaLlY HaD 8 BuT TwO HaVe bEeN Re-hOmEd aLrEaDy. AlL GiRlS ArE AvAiLbLe fOr sImIlAr rE-HoMiNg fEe, InClUdInG OnEs wHiCh wErE AlReAdY Re-hOmEd. ThEsE ArE AbOuT 6 WeEkS OlD, cUrReNtLy wItHiN ThE AnImAl hOsPiTaL FoR SpAyInG, vAcCiNeS AnD MiCrOcHiPs. ThEy aReN'T NuRsInG, aNd tHeY ArE CoNsUmInG SeMi-sOlI...
$ 800.00
4 years
Purebred Shepherd puppies
$ 600.00
Purebred Shepherd puppies
Purebred German Shepherd puppies were born on New Years Eve and you will need to go after February beginning of March. We now have two boys and something girl unspoken for. Mother is AKC bred from the pedigree breeder in TN, Father is CKC through mother that is AKC and father that is DDR directly from Germany. Please feel free to email for just about any que...
$ 600.00
4 years
4 years
Janet B. Herrera
4 years
4 years
Long hair German Shepard
$ 450.00
Long hair German Shepard
Jane is now 6 1/two months. I can no longer keep her because my older Alpha White German Shepard keeps attacking her after i leave and now i'm expected to lock these questions cage when I leave. She is a good loving dog. She likes to along with dogs,cats and children. I wouldn't like to leave her with up but it is not fair to keep them secured once i am gone...
$ 450.00
Freddy C. Hawk
4 years
4 years
4 years
David F. Whitford
4 years
German Shepherd Pup 14 Week Old
$ 400.00
German Shepherd Pup 14 Week Old
Hello, I have a young German Shepherd Pup that is loaded with life and wanting an excellent home. He has started some obedience. He walks well around the leash. He's doing great regarding his crate training. He knows to visit Potty outside and not in the house. He is doing very well with my small children. He deserves a home which has here we are at him. I p...
$ 400.00
Wendy R. Green
4 years
4 years