I have six adorable PomChi puppies who were born on July 19. There are two females and four males. Mom is a Pomeranian and Dad is a Chihuahua mix. Puppies come with the first set of shots done, currently eat solid puppy food. Call me with questions.
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Hey, I'm Jessica. I have 2 girl puppies and 4 boy puppies. They're 5 weeks old now and will be ready for their forever homes in just 3 weeks. They were born on June 19th, 2024. Their mom is a Pomchi and their dad is a Chiweenie. The adoption fee is $600 for the boys and $700 for the girls. If you really love a puppy and want me to hold it for you until Augus...
I have a female Pomchi puppy who needs a forever home! She is 18 weeks old and very small. She has received her first, second, and third round of vaccines. In 4 weeks, she will need her final round at 20 weeks old. Her mom is a 9lb Pomeranian and her dad is a 6lb Chihuahua. She is super friendly and will stay small. She comes with vet paperwork, a dress, and...
We have a litter of Pomeranian Chihuahua mix puppies available at the moment. These little cuties are just 8 weeks old and we have an equal number of 3 females and 3 males. Rest assured, all of them have received their necessary vaccinations and have been dewormed. To ensure that they find the best and most caring forever homes, we kindly request a rehoming ...
Meet Oso, the adorable Pomeranian Chihuahua! He's around 3 years old and has a beautiful brown coat with a touch of white. With his cute appearance, he resembles a little bear. In one of his pictures, you'll notice he's wearing a diaper because he's still in the process of being potty trained. But don't worry, he's a quick learner and will catch on fast! Oso...
- 2 adorable female puppies, a mix of Chihuahua and Pomeranian breeds. - They are 9 weeks old and were born on November 10th, 2023. - These puppies are incredibly sweet and lovable. - Currently, they weigh approximately 1.5 pounds and have a creamy white coat with dark eyes and nose. - They are social and friendly with both animals and children, and they are...
We are looking for new homes for our adorable Pomeranian Chihuahua mix puppies! We have 1 female and 5 males available. If you're interested, please send me a message.
These Pomchi puppies are ready to find their forever homes! There are two girls and one handsome boy available. They have been dewormed but still need to get their shots. I am only asking for enough money to cover the expenses I had to pay to take care of them. They eat a mixture of soft food and blue puppy kibbles, and they have been weaned off their mother...
We have three lovely Pomchi puppies that are now ready to find their forever homes. These adorable pups were born on February 14th. In the first two photos, you can see the mother, who will not be rehomed but simply wanted to be part of the pictures. She weighs approximately 7 lbs, while the father weighs nearly 10 lbs. Among the puppies, there are two femal...
This is a 1-year-old female puppy that is a mix between a Pomeranian and Chihuahua breed, with long hair. She is up-to-date with her shots, worming, spayed, and chipped. She is completely house trained and crate trained, and gets along well with kids, dogs, cats, and rabbits. She weighs around 10 pounds and will come with her favorite toy, food, collar, and ...
Hey there! We have an adorable pair of Short-haired Pom/Chihuahua mix puppies, a boy and a girl, who are eagerly searching for a loving family. They are playful, energetic, and a joy to be around. A small rehoming fee is required, and if you have any questions, please feel free to text us. Thank you!
I have five adorable Pomeranian/Chihuahua puppies who are sweet and playful. They are 7 weeks old have had all their first shots and are ready to go. There is only one male ($500) and four females ($600). Please text me if you are a serious buyer.
I'm looking to rehome my last adorable female puppy from the litter. She is the only one with a few merle markings, so her fee is reduced. She is 9 weeks old. She was flea-treated, dewormed, and received her first round of vaccinations. Mom is a merle PomChi (7lbs), and dad is a chocolate Chihuahua (4lbs). Her adoption fee is $380.00. Please text if you are ...
5 PomChi puppies for sale. Mom is a PomChi, and dad is a purebred Pomeranian. Both parents weigh 7-8lbs, and the puppies are expected to weigh the same, with the exception of the runt, who will weigh 4-5lbs. Puppies are currently 6 weeks old and will be 8 weeks old and ready for their new homes on August 28th. Puppies will receive their first round of vaccin...
I have four Pomeranian chihuahua puppies who are currently seven weeks old and will be eight weeks old next week. They've already got their first shots. There are three girls and one boy. The boy is white with brown spots. The rest are girls. If you're interested, or if you'd want more photos or videos, send me a message.
These little Pomchi puppies are for sale. There are only four females remain. I uploaded three photos of each puppy. When fully grown, they will weigh less than ten pounds. They are now 10 weeks old and looking for forever homes. Up to date on vaccinations and deworming. Asking for $300 each. There will be no fee negotiations.
I have four beautiful Pomchi puppies from a full blood pom and a full blood chihuahua. Two females and two males.There are some tiny babies who will not grow much. One black and white male (with the softest fur) who looks like a toy chih but has the fur of a pom and the biggest eyes. One female and one male light brown puppy. Both take after the pom's very s...
These 8-week-old babies are ready to go to their forever home as soon as possible. For further information, please phone or text. Pomeranian-Chihuahua cross breed. There is a $350 adoption fee on each.
We need to find a good home for our little Pomchi puppies. There are two males and two females in this litter. Shots and dewormings are up to date. Puppies have two different lengths of hair: one long and one short. Reasonable fee for rehoming. Ask any questions or if you want more pictures. Local pickup preferred, but I’m willing to drive some.
2 puppies, one girl is black and white and the other boy is brown and white, they will be small, about 8-10lbs, and they are half pomeranian and half chihuahua. I would like to sell them together because they are very attached to each other and because they are brothers and sisters. They are 12 weeks old, have had their first shots, and are in excellent heal...
8 weeks old Pomchi puppies looking for a new home. All pups are females. They got their first set of shots. They eat solid puppy food and some wet food. Puppy pad and crate trained. Nice with other dogs and cats, and also very friendly with kids. Asking $300 for rehoming fee.
These pomchi puppies are all males and are only three weeks old. They were born on November 12 and will be ready to go to their new homes on January 14. Their mother is a pure pomchi, which means she is half Pomeranian on dad's side and pure Chihuahua on mom's, making her a pomchi, and their father is a pure Chihuahua. These adorable Beverly Hills puppies ar...
I'm looking for good homes for my pomchi puppies. There are two girls and one boy. Mom is a Pomeranian and Dad is a Chihuahua. I'm asking for a rehoming fee. The last two photos are of the parents. Please contact me by phone or text.
Two males pomchi puppies. Dad is a 5 lb pomeranian. Mom is a 3 lb long hair chihuahua Parents on site. Puppies are 8 weeks old and are pad trained. There is a rehoming fee.
8 weeks old Pomchi female puppy need a good home, she was born on Feb 15. Pretty active puppy like cuddling wants to call her own a caring family. She needs shots and is not spayed. Last of her litter.