Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Madisonville, Kentucky on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
There are two females out of my four of them. They are 6 weeks old. ready to move into their new home. They don't have their shots and have not been dewormed either. I leave it to the new owner to worm them and administer their vaccinations.
For sale are three female and four male standard F1 golden doodle puppies. The date of birth is December 19th. They are all ready to move into their new homes on February 6th!! The excellent Valentine's Day gift! At pick-up, they'll be up to date on vaccines and ready to go to their forever home! To plan a time to meet your dog, please call or text me.
I have two miniature dachshund puppies who are almost 9 weeks old. One male black and tan and one female is a chocolate white tri color. There will be longer hair. I have their ckc papers, shot record, and they have been wormed several times. They looooove everyone, including my cat. They eat Royal Cain xtra small breed dry puppy food. The fee is $300 per pu...
I've got the standard red poodle puppies available for rehoming soon. All pups are females. They will be full grown approximately 40-50lbs. All pups are raised inside, vet checked, vaccinated, will have regular worming, will be well socialized, and will start in crate and puppy pad training. Mother is the standard red poodles dad is a standard red poodle t...
Akc registered boxer puppies. Tails docked. Removed dew claws and 6 weeks shots. Wormed every 2 weeks. The two parents on the property. Will travel to visit. One boy and 4 girls will be available.
This litter of Silver lab puppies were born April 11. Only have two males available. They are good to go home at 1st of June. AKC registered. Dew claws removed. Utd on shots... Our puppies will make great pets and are specialized in hunting. Both parents are silver and on site. Asking $800 each.
We've got F1b golden doodles available! They are apricot, cream and apricot parti, and cream. They includes a clean bill of health, vet checked, UTD on vaccine, may have routine worming and are started on crate and puppy pad training. We raise our doodles within our home with lots of love and attention! Are going to spoiled going to their new house. Mother i...
We have 3 AKC boys lab puppies for sale. Both parents have multiple AKC master titles in their pedigrees and UKC hunting retriever titles. Dam has been genetically tested. More puppy and both parent pictures upon request. Text for more details.
We had 7 beautiful pug babies in the litter. They were born on November 5th. Mom's a brindle pug, and Dad is a black pug. There are 6 pups remaining. 1 Male Fawn, 2 Male Brindle, 1 Male Brindle, 1 Male Black (runt) and 1 Female Black. These are not registered pups. They're going to be vet checks and first shots. The Rehoming Fee is $1000 as a pet only. Text ...