2 adorable Jack Russell Terriers

$ 450.00
Jack Russell Terrier
4 years
United States
ID: 2546
Published 4 years ago by Sam
$ 450.00
Nampa, Idaho, United States
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We've 2 adorable puppies are girls and require a fresh home. Jack Russell Terriers are a type, or strain, of working terrier; they are not pure bred in the sense that they have a broad genetic make-up, a broad standard, and do not breed true to type. This is a result of having been bred strictly for hunting since their beginning in the early 1800's, and their preservation as a working breed since. The broad standard, varied genetic background based on years of restricted inbreeding and wide out crossing, and great variety of size and type, are the major characteristics that make this strain of terrier known as a Jack Russell (a.k.a. Parson Jack Russell Terrier®) such a unique, versatile working terrier.

The Jack Russell Terrier takes it name from the Reverend John Russell who bred one of the finest strains of terriers for working fox in Devonshire, England in the mid-to-late 1800's. Rev. Russell (1795-1883), apart from his church activities, had a passion for fox hunting and the breeding of fox hunting dogs; he is also said to be a rather flamboyant character, probably accounting for his strain of terrier's notability and the name of our terrier today. His first terrier, the immortal TRUMP, is said to be the foundation of John Russell's strain of working terriers.

Everything about the Jack Russell has fox hunting in mind.... coloring, conformation, character, and intelligence. The body is compact, of totally balanced proportions, the shoulders clean, the legs straight, and most importantly, a small chest (easily spannable by average size hands at the widest part behind the shoulders). The Jack Russell must also be totally flexible, allowing him to maneuver underground. This conformation allows the terrier to follow his quarry down narrow earths. The fox is a good model for the Jack Russell-where the fox can go, so must the terrier. Although originally bred for fox hunting, the Jack Russell is a versatile working terrier to a variety of quarry including red and grey fox, raccoon and woodchuck.
Homemade Pet Food
Important Factors to Consider Before Feeding
Thinking about feeding your pet a homemade diet? It's what all the "hip" pet owners are doing these days isn't it? This can be for numerous reasons, whether they're concerned about the safety of commercial pet food or they simply want to offer their pet a variety at mealtime.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not picking on anyone who feeds their pet a homemade diet. It can be very beneficial if done correctly and for the right reasons. However, there's so much bad advice on the Internet right now about homemade pet food. It really worries me. Pet owners with good intentions may be doing their pet a disservice by following the advice of misinformed and uneducated individuals.

Feeding a homemade diet is only for the most dedicated of pet owners. Some people say that cooking for your pet is a "no-brainer". Other people say that cooking for your pet is a very complicated and labor-intensive process.

Honestly, I've been intrigued by the thought of feeding my pets a homemade diet. I don't think it's quite as complicated as many people would have you believe. But on the flip side, you do need to know what you're doing. And there's more to it than just throwing a bunch of ingredients together that seem yummy to you. Remember: dogs and cats are not people with four legs and a tail.

Some people will say, "Oh the pet food companies want you to think that formulating a pet's diet is complicated so you buy their food." A little part of that might be true, but I've read case studies and seen what happens to some pets that aren't being fed properly.

No matter who you listen to, there are a few important factors to take into consideration before embarking on this path. Before getting started I'd recommend asking yourself a few questions and answering them honestly.

Am I willing to invest the time and money necessary to prepare my pet's meals?

The bottom line is: cooking for your pet requires more time and money on your part. Think about how much time and money you spend preparing meals for yourself and your human family. Are you willing to do this for your pet too?

Careful consideration must be made when selecting recipes, shopping for ingredients, and choosing supplements. It's not as easy as searching online for a recipe. The majority of recipes you find for free on the Internet are inadequate when fed for long periods of time and are not formulated by someone trained in veterinary nutrition.

if you are interested call or text the number (208) 318-6001 Read more

Published on March 10, 2021. Modified on March 10, 2021.



We've 2 adorable puppies are girls and require a fresh home. Jack Russell Terriers are a type, or strain, of working terrier; they are not pure bred in the sense that they have a broad genetic make-up, a broad standard, and do not breed true to type. This is a result of having been bred strictly for hunting since their beginning in the early 1800's, and their preservation as a working breed since. The broad standard, varied genetic background based on years of restricted inbreeding and wide out crossing, and great variety of size and type, are the major characteristics that make this strain of terrier known as a Jack Russell (a.k.a. Parson Jack Russell Terrier®) such a unique, versatile working terrier.

The Jack Russell Terrier takes it name from the Reverend John Russell who bred one of the finest strains of terriers for working fox in Devonshire, England in the mid-to-late 1800's. Rev. Russell (1795-1883), apart from his church activities, had a passion for fox hunting and the breeding of fox hunting dogs; he is also said to be a rather flamboyant character, probably accounting for his strain of terrier's notability and the name of our terrier today. His first terrier, the immortal TRUMP, is said to be the foundation of John Russell's strain of working terriers.

Everything about the Jack Russell has fox hunting in mind.... coloring, conformation, character, and intelligence. The body is compact, of totally balanced proportions, the shoulders clean, the legs straight, and most importantly, a small chest (easily spannable by average size hands at the widest part behind the shoulders). The Jack Russell must also be totally flexible, allowing him to maneuver underground. This conformation allows the terrier to follow his quarry down narrow earths. The fox is a good model for the Jack Russell-where the fox can go, so must the terrier. Although originally bred for fox hunting, the Jack Russell is a versatile working terrier to a variety of quarry including red and grey fox, raccoon and woodchuck.
Homemade Pet Food
Important Factors to Consider Before Feeding
Thinking about feeding your pet a homemade diet? It's what all the "hip" pet owners are doing these days isn't it? This can be for numerous reasons, whether they're concerned about the safety of commercial pet food or they simply want to offer their pet a variety at mealtime.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not picking on anyone who feeds their pet a homemade diet. It can be very beneficial if done correctly and for the right reasons. However, there's so much bad advice on the Internet right now about homemade pet food. It really worries me. Pet owners with good intentions may be doing their pet a disservice by following the advice of misinformed and uneducated individuals.

Feeding a homemade diet is only for the most dedicated of pet owners. Some people say that cooking for your pet is a "no-brainer". Other people say that cooking for your pet is a very complicated and labor-intensive process.

Honestly, I've been intrigued by the thought of feeding my pets a homemade diet. I don't think it's quite as complicated as many people would have you believe. But on the flip side, you do need to know what you're doing. And there's more to it than just throwing a bunch of ingredients together that seem yummy to you. Remember: dogs and cats are not people with four legs and a tail.

Some people will say, "Oh the pet food companies want you to think that formulating a pet's diet is complicated so you buy their food." A little part of that might be true, but I've read case studies and seen what happens to some pets that aren't being fed properly.

No matter who you listen to, there are a few important factors to take into consideration before embarking on this path. Before getting started I'd recommend asking yourself a few questions and answering them honestly.

Am I willing to invest the time and money necessary to prepare my pet's meals?

The bottom line is: cooking for your pet requires more time and money on your part. Think about how much time and money you spend preparing meals for yourself and your human family. Are you willing to do this for your pet too?

Careful consideration must be made when selecting recipes, shopping for ingredients, and choosing supplements. It's not as easy as searching online for a recipe. The majority of recipes you find for free on the Internet are inadequate when fed for long periods of time and are not formulated by someone trained in veterinary nutrition.

if you are interested call or text the number (208) 318-6001
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