Purebred Pyrenees Puppies 2 females and 3 males

Great Pyrenees 363 views For Sale ID: 2981
$ 300.00

Published on March 10, 2021. Modified on March 10, 2021.



Two females and three males. Purebred, however, not registered. Working parents on location, George and Willow, and they're the nicest most peaceful dogs you are going to ever meet. Each of the pups have a mask, four black masks the other brown/grey.

These were born January 16th. They decide to go March 15th and can have been wormed together first list of shots. You can come select one out now and set down a first deposit to keep it.

We call the mother along with the pups "Willow along with the Miracles". In mid-December, Willow was shot point blank between the eyes by a passerby and left for dead. We was clueless that what had become of her. But 36 hours later, she found her way home. After surgery as well as a long, slow recovery, we'd given up on the odds of her completing pregnancy. But she did!! And also on January 16th, she surprised everyone with puppies.


3062 Georgia RD
United States
39.1273653, -97.6568094
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Edward C. Dudley
Edward C. Dudley
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