2 friendly Olde English Bulldoge puppies for sale

Olde English Bulldogge 593 views ID: 29746
$ 1000.00

Published on October 16, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


Old English Bulldog puppies are available and ready to go to new homes! We still have 2 friendly male puppies left. They were born on July 29, 2023, and have received all their shots. They have also been dewormed since they were 2 weeks old. The puppies' dew claws have been removed. Male 2, the dark one, has had his tail docked. Male 1, the brindle, was born with a naturally short tail, so his tail has not been docked.

When you buy one of our puppies, you will receive a 1-year health guarantee/contract. Additionally, we will provide you with a goodie bag that includes all the essentials for your new puppy, such as puppy food for an easy transition to the brand you prefer, a collar, leash, harness, toys, and more!


United States
42.3277282, -83.1574166
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