Beautiful Chiwinnie puppies ready to go home

Chiweenie 1213 views For Sale ID: 2899
$ 500.00

Published on March 10, 2021. Modified on March 10, 2021.



Beautiful Chiwinnie puppies ready to go home! Puppies already have their first five way shots, proof shots given when a puppy finds it's forever home. Each puppy includes a pink or blue stamp on the corner of the images to indicate should it be a son or daughter. Puppies are eating hard puppy food and so are super playful. They're still teething so ensure you allow them to have a lot of toys. They have puppy breath and love giving kisses. If you want more details plz contact i and me can provide more about their personalities and provide more pictures. Rehoming fee provided through contact... prefer text (210) 848-7667


17900 Pleasanton Rd
San Antonio
United States
29.2627291, -98.490174
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