10 Schnoodle puppies for sale

Schnoodle 600 views For Sale ID: 28733
$ 1500.00

Published on June 8, 2023. Modified on June 17, 2023.



We have 10 schnoodle puppies (six boys and four girls), turned eight weeks old on June 2nd and are now ready to be placed in new homes. These puppies come in various colors such as black, brindle, brown, and multiple shades of blond. They have transitioned from the whelping bed to the sunroom, where they spend their time running and joyfully jumping around. Their teeth are nearly fully developed, and they have been enjoying dry puppy food. The sire of these puppies is a charming red AKC toy poodle, while the dam is a 17 lb purebred silver mini schnauzer. Both parents have a friendly and outgoing nature, showing affection towards children and other animals. Genetic testing results for the parents are available upon request. The puppies will have tail docking, worming, and will be well-socialized. They have also received their initial vaccinations. It is worth noting that schnoodles are hypoallergenic and do not shed. Additionally, the puppies have begun their training to use pads. The original price of $2,200 has been reduced to $1,500 or best offer. Delivery options are available, and if you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to call or text. Texting is preferred.


United States
39.4225192, -111.714358
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