Free Chiweenie puppies for a good forever home

Chiweenie 7693 views For Sale ID: 501
$ 500.00

Published on January 9, 2021. Modified on January 9, 2021.



We are searching for a suitable loving home for our chiweenie. She is in good health and has received two rounds of shots, which can be verified. Her current weight is approximately 5-6 pounds, and she is not expected to grow much more. She is comfortable with outdoor spaces and is familiar with using dog doors. We are not requesting any fees for re-homing. Our furry companion holds significant value to us, and we kindly request that only serious inquiries are made. Our top priority is ensuring that she is placed in a secure and caring environment. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you.


United States
32.735687, -97.108066
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Carolyn Scott
Carolyn Scott
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