Short-Haired Double Dapple Chiweenie

Chiweenie 407 views For Sale ID: 30704
$ 100.00

Published on February 16, 2024


  • Age
    attributes24-48 months
  • Gender


This little dog is called Okie and she is a Female-Miniature Short-Haired Double Dapple Chiweenie. She is super friendly and loves to cuddle and hang out on your lap. Okie gets along well with other dogs and she absolutely adores people and children. She has received all her shots and is up to date with her vaccinations.

Unfortunately, Okie hasn't been spayed yet because her previous owner wanted her to have puppies. However, they are now moving out of state due to a job transfer and can't take her along. Okie was born on October 10, 2022, and she is now looking for a forever home where she can be loved and cared for.

If you are interested in giving Okie a loving home, please reach out to us. We are only asking for a very small rehoming fee because they just want her to go to a good home. Okie is ready to find her forever family and bring joy and happiness to their lives.


Laguna Niguel
United States
33.5225261, -117.7075526
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