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Bullmastiff dog

Bullmastiff 225 views For Sale ID: 29863
$ 500.00

Published on October 30, 2023. Modified on October 30, 2023.


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This is me, Bella. I'm a 4-year-old Bullmastiff female who hasn't been spayed. I'm generally a good-natured dog, affectionate, but I tend to play rough. I wouldn't recommend having me in a home with small children because I'm not always aware of my own strength. I weigh about 70lbs. I don't get along with other female dogs or cats, but male dogs are usually fine around me, given that I'm unaltered. I'm very protective of my human companions. I've had only one litter of puppies, and most of them stayed under 50lbs, though one of my male pups exceeded 100lbs. I've been vaccinated for rabies, and there's a rehoming fee for me. Please contact through email or text only.


United States
40.2663107, -76.8861122
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