2 last Frenchton puppies

Frenchton 658 views For Sale ID: 29823
$ 500.00

Published on October 25, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


I am selling Frenchton pups that are 10 weeks old. They have received their 1st shots and have been wormed. There are only 2 females left. The dad is a French Bulldog and the mom is a Boston Terrier. Since the parents are fixed and there won't be any more puppies, I am selling them at a low price. Normally, I sell them for $750, but since I won't have any more pups, I am asking for $500 or reasonable offers. If you are interested, please call or text. Thank you.


United States
41.6529143, -83.5378173
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