5 yo Great Dane needs a loving home

Great Dane 384 views For Sale ID: 29530
$ 400.00

Published on September 20, 2023


  • Age
    attributes24-48 months
  • Gender



My name is Brandon Morris and my heart is heavy with sorrow. I am faced with the most difficult decision of my life. I must let go of my beloved dane, Cash. I am moving in with my mother as her primary caregiver and there is no other option. Cash has been my faithful companion since he was just a tiny pup of six weeks old. He was rescued from a puppy mill and I believe he is purebred. His appearance and temperament suggest so, anyways. He is now five years old, professionally trained, and great with other animals, adults, and children. I had hoped that there would be a way for me to keep him, but now I am running out of time. Is there anyone who can offer me help or guidance? I do not want to simply rehome him. I want to make sure that he ends up in a loving home. I am asking for a rehoming fee of $400. Cash has a memory foam mattress, toys, collars, leash, and everything else he needs.

Please, if you can help, call me. I have attached a couple of photos of Cash.

Thank you for your time,

Brandon Morris


United States
33.5206824, -86.8024326
(256) 624-xxxx Send message
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