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ASDR Australian Shepherd puppies for Sale

Australian Shepherd 466 views For Sale ID: 29444
$ 1000.00

Published on September 13, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


Australian Shepherd puppies available! They have clear genetic panels and are red factored. They will grow to be about 19-21 inches and weigh 40-50lbs. They were born on September 3rd. They come with registration, microchip, 30-day free insurance, appropriate vaccines and deworming, HW, tick and flea prevention. They are also trained in basic commands, potty training, crate training, socialization, desensitization, and grooming. Goodie bags will be provided. We will provide lifelong support and take back the pup at any time. Tails and dew claws are left intact. The mother is blue merle and AKC/ASDR. The father is red tri and ASDR only. Transportation is available for an extra fee. Please provide your name and why you are interested in an Australian Shepherd.


United States
33.7489924, -84.3902644
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