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Meet Scooby: Playful Shepsky puppy in Need of a Loving Home

Shepsky 800 views For Sale ID: 29188
$ 220.00

Published on August 10, 2023. Modified on August 10, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


Introducing Scooby, our lovable fur buddy! He's a cool mix of German Shepherd and Husky, born on March 16th. Scooby's all about spreading love and fun – he's playful and super friendly, especially with kids. Now, here's the scoop: we're in a bit of a pickle. When we brought Scooby home, our older kids took off for a couple of months. And guess what? When they came back, they were a bit jittery around big pups like Scooby. Poor guy just wants to play, but they're not quite catching his drift. It's been tough seeing our kids scared every day, so we're on the hunt for a fantastic new home for Scooby, where he can thrive. By the way, he's got the whole potty training thing down pat. We're asking for 220 bucks or the best offer you've got – it's a steal, trust us! First-come, first-served, and we're totally up for a meet-up. Let's make Scooby's next chapter a paw-some one!


United States
39.1014537, -84.5124602
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