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Playful Chiweenie Puppy for adoption

Chiweenie 1558 views For Sale ID: 29148
$ 500.00

Published on August 6, 2023. Modified on August 6, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


The Chiweenie pups were born on June 15th, and the one being referred to just turned 6 weeks old. First, her little brother left the hill, and then yesterday her little sister followed suit. Now, it's just her and her momma remaining. Despite having sharp teeth and claws, her momma won't let her nurse, but they still play together, albeit a little roughly, which seems to be giving this last puppy a serious attitude. She is incredibly playful, energetic, and full of life. She has been eating solid food, even her momma's dry food, and is using the bathroom on cardboard or newspaper, although she shows interest in going outside. She requires and deserves more attention than I can provide.


United States
44.5363364, -122.9072329
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