Belgian Malinois puppy without papers

Belgian Malinois 621 views For Sale ID: 29087
$ 450.00

Published on July 31, 2023. Modified on July 31, 2023.



This is a 5 months old purebred Belgian Malinois who is up to date on vaccinations. Unlike typical Belgian Malinois, she has low energy and rarely barks. She has been exposed to kittens, children, and other dogs and gets along well with them. Despite her large size for her age, there are no papers available. She's intelligent and easily trainable, already knowing commands like sit, stay, come, roll over, down, paw, and other paw. However, she still needs to get used to leash training as she spends most of her time playing outside in a very large yard.


Jersey City
New Jersey
United States
40.7215682, -74.047455
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