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European English Springer Spaniels

English Springer Spaniel 1161 views For Sale ID: 28997
$ 2500.00

Published on July 19, 2023. Modified on July 19, 2023.


  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


We are a family of dog and animal lovers committed to raising healthy puppies with the best temperament. We have been breeding since 1994. Our breeding dogs are primarily our family pets. Our dogs live indoors and vacation with us. They are fed a raw diet and are given natural supplements. We have picked the best kennels in Europe that have health and temperament as a priority.

Our puppies are raised inside our home and evaluated at 7 weeks to personality match them to their new families. They are socialized with adults and children and other animals. They start their potty training at 3 weeks of age and we start teaching them to sit at 8 weeks.

We started breeding the breeds of dogs that we as a family love as family pets. We are passionate about raising the healthiest puppies using natural methods and the best quality diet to give the families that adopt them many years of love from their companions and best friend.

Our puppies are raised inside our home as if they were going to be our family pet. They are socialized with adults and children of different ages. They are exposed to sights, sounds and smells of a household. We start their potty training when they are 3 weeks old. They are fed a quality raw food diet and given natural supplements. They get regular baths, blow dry and grooming so they are not afraid of it. They have many chew toys and are exposed to our other adult dogs and some of our other pets.


United States
25.7741728, -80.19362
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Iliana Gonzalez
Iliana Gonzalez
1 active listings
Last online 9 months ago
Registered for 10+ months
Miami, Florida, United States
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