
Chihuahua 772 views For Sale ID: 25115
$ 2000.00

Published on April 22, 2022



Hi, Thank you for taking the time to look at Sandy. Sandy is a wonderful champainge and white Purebred Deerhead Chihuahua who is 6 weeks old. She was born March 13th 2022 and loves kisses, playing and sleeping.
She is a very playful, energetic, loving puppy and of course very curious about her surroundings.

Sandy was raised around her 7 other brothers and sisters, both her parents, dogs, cats and children and is very sociable.

The Chihuahua is one of the smallest breeds of dogs in the world.
The Chihuahua can mature between 2-7 pounds. The breed is an agile, graceful and
very fragile dog. They love to burrow themselves into blankets and they love to sun
themselves. They have an average lifespan of 15 years, but some will live to 20 years of age.
The puppies are Purebred Deerhead Chihuahua's and both parents live at home.
They are raised in our home with dogs, cats, and children, creating a less timid
puppy that socializes easily. They are presently 6 weeks old and will be available
to pick up anytime after 8 weeks. Please feel free to come and visit any of the
puppies or call to see availability of them.

There is a $500 deposit to hold your puppy, insure all vaccinations are given, and receive his health checks. This is non refundable.
The remainder will be due at time of pick-up. I will NOT ship the puppies, this tends to cause great stress on the puppy and causes anxiety. You will have to come and pick your puppy up anytime after thier 8 week birthday.

If you would like to come and visit the puppies and parents please feel free to call me anytime to arrange a visit. My number is (704) 251-1012 and ask for Adam or Marie.


North Carolina
United States
35.7826363, -80.8872959
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Adam Charles
Adam Charles
1 active listings
Last online 2 years ago
Registered for 3+ years
375 Old mt village drive, Statesville, North Carolina, United States
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