11 weeks old Dachshund Puppy for Sale

Dachshund 1073 views For Sale ID: 1125
$ 400.00

Published on February 10, 2021. Modified on February 10, 2021.



11 weeks old Dachshund Puppy for Sale. Shots and de-wormed. Puppy have small hernia on stomach. (Hardly any other medical condition.) I want to to help keep this puppy for that reason reason.
A VET says hernia surgery only $25 but, My local VET wants to make neutralization with a hernia surgery. That cost is $125 including Hernia and neutralization surgery. ( Surgery Cost would be different determined by VET.) Also, the surgery can be done when puppy grows over six months old. So, I'm able to offer $400 rehoming fee and you really both surgery unless you want breeding Dog.

The hernia is just not serious. So, the surgery might not be necessary in accordance with other VET. Ask to VET about surgery cost when you have this puppy.


United States
31.117119, -97.727796
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