Shepinois puppies

Shepinois 2168 views For Sale ID: 4206
$ 500.00

Published on June 20, 2021. Modified on June 20, 2021.



We have Shepinois puppies that will be ready October 6th. The father German Shepherd is akc registered, high drive, state certified search and rescue. The Mother is Belgian Malinois akc registered. They will be vet checked with the age appropriate shots at the time. There is a rehoming fee to ensure they go to great homes

Shepinois are a cross between a German Shepherd and a Belgian Malinois classed as a “designer dog”. They typically have the physical characteristics of a Malinois; they tend to be flat coated with a fawn or mahogany coloring with a dark overlay. They have the good health, orthopedics and the athleticism of the Malinois. They are typically good natured and have the general disposition of a German Shepherd. They make an excellent family dog, companion, as well as great protection dogs. They are loyal, good with children, affectionate, they thrive in a family environment as well as protect the family and the home.”

This breed has the best aspects of both breeds and is a joy to work with, train, and have as a companion and/or protection.


United States
37.0833893, -88.6000478
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