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4 remaining male Pit bull puppies for adoption

American Pit Bull Terrier 309 views For Sale ID: 30619
$ 1000.00

Published on February 2, 2024


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


I have 4 remaining pitbull puppies from a litter that are ready for adoption. All 4 are male. I am requesting a small rehoming fee. If you have any questions about these adorable pups, feel free to ask. They have been raised in my house with their mom and dad. All the puppies have received their first set of shots and are 9 weeks old. They have also had their nails trimmed and are accustomed to being handled. You are more than welcome to meet both the parents and the puppies. Rest assured, all the puppies, as well as the mother and father, are in excellent health. If you would like, I can provide you with additional pictures and videos of the specific puppy you are interested in. I prefer to chat on the phone rather than through email, but I will respond to emails as well.


United States
38.3031837, -77.4605399
(571) 552-xxxx Send message
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