2 AKC Yellow Lab puppies for sale

Labrador Retriever 177 views For Sale ID: 30575
$ 1900.00

Published on January 27, 2024


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


There are only two Labrador puppies remaining.

Olive, who is identified by her green collar, is a delightful and affectionate bundle of joy. She embodies all the qualities that make Labradors so beloved - loyalty, love, and happiness. Olive is obedient and responds well when called, she enjoys giving sweet kisses, and she adores being held. On the other hand, Snowball, distinguished by her off-white collar, is also a loving puppy who showers you with kisses whenever you pick her up. She has a healthy appetite, loves to play, and is making great progress with crate training.

Snowball is cherished by her litter mates and is sure to be the center of attention at the dog park. Both of these adorable puppies are looking for a loving home where they can enjoy long walks on the beach, in the desert, or even in the snow. With their parents' love for water, they are bound to become excellent swimmers. These puppies are truly a delight.

All the puppies have received their necessary vaccinations, deworming treatments, and have been microchipped. Additionally, they come with AKC papers and a breeder guarantee.


Rancho Cucamonga
United States
34.1033192, -117.5751735
(910) 551-xxxx Send message
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