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Ausky puppy needs a home

Ausky 461 views ID: 29743
$ 400.00

Published on October 16, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


It breaks my heart to say this, but I have no choice but to let go of my beloved Ausky. I just found out that I am expecting another baby and I won't be able to give him the attention and care he deserves. He is such a friendly and lively pup, always eager to play and cuddle. I am asking for $400 or the best offer, which includes a brand new large cage, toys, all his shot and vet records, food bowls, and more. He would be perfect for an active family who can give him the love and attention he craves. I never would have gotten him if I had known this would happen, but I just want to find him a new home where he will be cherished and adored. He is partially potty trained, but accidents do happen since he is still a puppy. If you are interested in giving him a new home, please message me.


United States
39.1014537, -84.5124602
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