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Pitsky 870 views For Sale ID: 29041
$ 500.00

Published on July 24, 2023


  • Age
    attributes6-12 months
  • Gender


Hey there, I'd like you to meet Niklaus, the adorable and healthy pup by my side. He's almost a year old and has a unique mix of Siberian Husky and American Pit Bull. Unfortunately, because of some medical reasons and my current inability to provide him with the care he deserves, I'm looking for a loving new home for him. Niklaus has been neutered and is up-to-date on all his vaccines. If you're interested in giving him a forever home, there is a rehoming fee that applies. Let me know if you'd like to know more about this wonderful Pitsky!


United States
43.6008183, -116.2421086412
(208) 477-xxxx Send message
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