Chiweenie pups looking for home

Chiweenie 1175 views For Sale ID: 2494
$ 500.00

Published on March 10, 2021. Modified on March 10, 2021.



We wish to re-home our two chi-weenie sisters. We rescued them some time ago, but would like to re-home due to my recently diagnosed medical issues. The smallest

(Little Girl) is practically 3, and also the Dapple (PJ) is almost 2. (They may be sisters but were from two different litters). The youngest had puppies 9 weeks ago (also trying to find homes on their behalf). They are not fixed and need their shots as we do not have enough money for this now. They may be bonded and Is not separated. Once more, I Cannot SEPARATE THEM. They have been through enough, they should stay together. They were very shy when we first got them, along with the youngest was slightly aggressive. We've got worked with them and they are generally VERY loving and also have started to recover from their shells. PJ is protective the land meet her, but she warms in a short time (in minutes) with consideration and affection. Due to sick folks who are adopting dogs for the wrong reasons I am requesting a small rehoming fee of $50 ($25 for each and every). They've collars, leashes, and crates. Serious inquiries only. Thanks!


1842 Pummy Road
United States
30.4380832, -84.2809332
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