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Beautiful brown & white Staffy puppy

Staffordshire Bull Terrier 53 views For Adoption/Rehoming ID: 31051
$ 550.00

Published on April 9, 2024. Modified on April 9, 2024.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


I have a beautiful Staffy puppy who was born on March 3, 2024, and will be 6 weeks old on April 13, 2024. He is such a loyal and affectionate little guy, the most loving puppy I've ever come across. When you lay down, he loves to snuggle up under your arm, but he also has no problem sleeping in his crate and sleeps soundly through the night.

He's already started potty training and he's doing incredibly well, catching on super fast. He's also learning some basic commands like "down," "no," and "sit" already! He's a smart little pup.

My sister actually gave him to me as a gift because she had a litter, and she thought he would be great company since I work from home. Unfortunately, I'm very allergic to him, and my face gets red and swollen when he gets too close. It breaks my heart, but I have to find him a new home because even with antihistamines, my allergies are just too severe.

He hasn't had any shots yet because of his age, but they are due next week. That's why I'm asking for a reasonable fee.

The Stafford is known to be a wonderful family pet and companion dog, and it's actually one of the breeds recommended by the KC for families. Just to clarify, he is not a pitbull. Both of his parents are Staffys, and if you look them up, you'll see how amazing they are.

I'm located on Long Island and I'm willing to meet you at your convenience. I can even drive if needed.


New York
United States
40.7127281, -74.0060152
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