Family raised German Shepherd puppies for adoption

German Shepherd Dog 141 views For Sale ID: 30530
$ 500.00

Published on January 21, 2024


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


10 German shepherd puppies available for adoption. There are 4 males and 6 females. They have received their first shots and are now 6 weeks old. These puppies will grow into large dogs, as their mother weighs 95 lbs and their father weighs 115 lbs.

I want to clarify that I am not a breeder, but these dogs are part of our family and are well taken care of. The mother, who is white, is an incredibly intelligent and caring dog. The father, on the other hand, is more protective. He is always close to the children and even stands between them and me. I'm not sure if it's instinct or just his nature, but he is also very affectionate with us. Both dogs stay in the front yard and never leave, even when other animals pass by. They always look to me for permission. They have had no formal training, so I can only imagine how well they would behave with proper training.

These puppies will make excellent pets and I have no doubt that you and your family will be happy with them. I am only looking for serious inquiries and good homes for them. They are active, sweet, and have already received their first vaccinations. They are healthy, happy, and full of energy. They will be great additions to any family and are big enough to provide home security and protection (rehoming fee applies).


United States
36.0228734, -95.9683278
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Roy Foster
Roy Foster
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