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Purebred Bloodhound puppy looking for loving home

Bloodhound 231 views For Sale ID: 30222
$ 2800.00

Published on December 11, 2023. Modified on December 11, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


- Duke is a purebred Bloodhound.
- He is 22 to 23 weeks old and has not been neutered.
- His date of birth is 6/3/23.
- Duke weighs 62 lbs.
- He is a lovable, smart, and dopey pup.
- We got him from a breeder for our 1-year-old son to grow up with.
- Duke and our son have become fast friends.
- However, taking care of a puppy while also tending to a baby is overwhelming.
- We are looking for a loving home for Duke.
- He is up to date with all his shots and is in good health.

He has a list of items to bring:
- Water and food dish
- 40-gallon water trough
- Airtight container for food
- Sport dog training collar
- Plenty of treats
- Leather collar and leash
- Blankets and beds
- Toys and bones
- Bathing soap and towel
- Brush and comb
- Three bandanas
- Vet records
- Ear cleaning solution
- AKC registration paperwork
- All-weather backseat pet cover
- Two rugs for dishes
- Possible gifts from Santa Claus if purchased before Christmas
- Serious inquiries only.


1007 Dartmouth Road
United States
35.9968277716, -83.8606040011
(603) 457-xxxx Send message
Earl Shaffer
Earl Shaffer
1 active listings
Last online 5 months ago
Registered for 5+ months
1007 Dartmouth Road, 37914, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
(603) 457-xxxx (603) 457-xxxx
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