Healthy & chubby Mutt puppies

Mutt 186 views For Sale ID: 30153
$ 150.00

Published on December 2, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


- The puppies will weigh around 30-45lbs when fully grown.
- We are unsure of their specific breed, but we believe they may be a mix of rat terrier, heeler, beagle, and lab.
- You can pick them up on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023.
- There are 3 female puppies and 3 male puppies available.
- They have received their first puppy shots and have been dewormed with pyrantel once. Additionally, they have been treated with panacur three times.
- The puppies are healthy, chubby, and eating dry food.
- They are currently 7 weeks old.
- The price for the female puppies is $200 each.
- The price for the male puppies is $150 each.


Grand Rapids
United States
42.9632405, -85.6678639
(616) 516-xxxx Send message
Creola Harris
Creola Harris
1 active listings

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