6-month-old Cane Corso pup

Cane Corso 609 views For Sale ID: 29460
$ 500.00

Published on September 15, 2023


  • Age
    attributes6-12 months
  • Gender


My pup urgently needs a new home, and it's a rather sad situation. We recently relocated from Minnesota and are temporarily staying with my parents while we search for a new place. Unfortunately, the current living arrangement doesn't provide enough space for her to find happiness. Vallah, a 6-month-old Cane Corso, is in good health, having received her puppy shots and deworming, but she hasn't been spayed. She's wonderful with my children, our other dog, and even with cats. Vallah is also well-acquainted with kennel training. Along with her, we'll include her kennel, kennel cover, food, collar, harness, leash, and food bowl. I'm requesting a small rehoming fee, which we're willing to negotiate for the right family. If you're interested, please feel free to text me.


United States
36.6411357, -93.2175285
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