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Chihuahua puppies Spokane WA

Chihuahua 920 views For Sale ID: 29361
$ 500.00

Published on August 31, 2023. Modified on August 31, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


I have two little female Chihuahua puppies who are in urgent need of loving homes. These little ones have had a bit of a tough start. Their mom, who belonged to my sister, unfortunately got out and was tragically hit by a car. Despite the best efforts of veterinarians, she couldn't be saved. Given the circumstances, my sister was too heartbroken to care for the puppies, so she entrusted them to me temporarily.

These two cuties are currently 6 weeks old and have transitioned to eating soft food. However, between being a full-time working mom and taking care of them, I find myself stretched too thin. I truly wish I had more time to give them the attention they deserve. To help cover the vet bills from the effort to save their mom, there is a rehoming fee which will go towards that cause.

These puppies are absolutely precious and come from a purebred lineage. They are full of love and charm, and I'm positive they will make wonderful companions. If you're interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via text. Your consideration would mean the world to us all!


United States
47.6571934, -117.42351
509270xxxx Send message
Dustin Jones
Dustin Jones
1 active listings

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