Meet Biggie: 4-Month-Old Rott/GSD Mix

Rottweiler 1145 views For Sale ID: 29325
$ 175.00

Published on August 28, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


I have a 4-month-old Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix named Biggie. He isn't crate trained at the moment because he strongly dislikes the crate and barks throughout his time in it. His potty training isn't complete either; although he'll go outside if taken, he doesn't yet voluntarily head to the door. He requires vaccinations and is full of energy, yet he also enjoys cuddling. An active household would be ideal for him. He's friendly with dogs and cats, although he tends to chase them and play a bit rough, there's no aggression. Additionally, he's great with kids, given his playful puppy nature. His adoption fee is $175.


Niagara Falls
New York
United States
43.08436, -79.0614686
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