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6 registered toy Aussie puppies available

Australian Shepherd 1217 views For Sale ID: 29045
$ 900.00

Published on July 25, 2023. Modified on July 25, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


I have a litter of 6 ASDR registered toy Aussie puppies that are now available for reservation. They are eagerly awaiting their departure on August 16th. These adorable pups are destined to become wonderful little ranch helpers and adventure companions! Given the breed's high activity level, they'll thrive in a spacious environment like an acreage where they can run around freely or with an owner who leads an active lifestyle. There are 2 females and 4 males, each with their unique characteristics:

1. Red merle male
2. Black tri male
3. Male with a red tri coat and fascinating merle markings on the face
4. Two red tri males
5. Two red tri females

Prior to their departure, the puppies will be dewormed and receive their first vaccinations. It's worth mentioning that their tails are not docked and won't be docked in the future. The puppies are available for $900 with limited registration, or $1,500 with breeding rights. If you are interested in reserving one of these adorable Australian Shepherd puppies, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via text or phone call.


United States
43.6008183, -116.2421086412
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Boise, Idaho, United States
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