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Tiny Pomeranian Puppies

Pomeranian 1626 views For Sale ID: 1312
$ 1000.00

Published on February 10, 2021. Modified on February 10, 2021.



Tiny Pomeranian Puppies in black/white/brown colors. They love to play and will become bored easily, so be sure you give them lots of toys and rotate them frequently so you can something totally new. They especially enjoy toys that challenge them. One activity that you and your Pom will enjoy is trick training. Poms love to learn new things and enjoy being the middle of attention, so teaching them tricks is a perfect method to bond together while going for exercise and mental stimulation. These people have a short attention span, so keep services brief and fun. Reward your Pom with praise, treats, or play whenever he correctly performs a command or does something else you want.


Los Angeles
United States
34.052234, -118.243685
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