Bichon frise puppies for sale in ohio

Bichon Frise 5529 views For Sale ID: 76

Published on January 16, 2021. Modified on January 16, 2021.



Male and female Purebred bichon frise puppies for sale in ohio with Akc papers. Completely dewormed and given first and second shots. Super well disposed, sweet, and active.

A Bichon Frise is a popular dog amongst canine owners; particularly owners seeking a puppy that can comfortably reside in apartments or small homes. This dog may require a smaller space, as it is likely to only grow to 9.5 to 11.5 inches tall and weigh within the 11 to 22 pound range; however, it does not require only small amounts of attention. The Bichon Frise is an active dog with a very loving personality. Bichon Frises have a tendency to develop a significant bond with their handlers and prefer not to be apart from them for very long; this dog thrives in environments with loving people around.

Pet owners tend to gravitate toward the Bichon Frise as it is noted as being “hypoallergenic,” which in dog terms, is an indicator that this animal does not shed – which is quite surprising when you take into consideration its very fluffy, curly, double coat. This coat should be telling to an individual on the market; if a potential pet owner does not foresee their ability to tend to this animal’s coat, there will be a bit of difficulty along the way. While it is suggested the coat is maintained in the “puppy cut,” some folks are such admirers of their fluffy coats that they commit to spending the half hour a day of brushing it requires to prevent any tangling or mangling. Additionally, it is best to avoid letting this dog wet its coat, as knots and tangles are likely to form quickly. The Bichon Frise will need to be professionally groomed every four to six weeks.

If raised in a loving, yet firm, home, the Bichon Frise is likely to be docile. While a very energetic pup, it is also keenly intelligent and eager to please its master. The loyalty devoted to a pet owner by a Bichon Frise makes them significant watchdogs, as they are likely to alert you to questionable actions or visitors. As any dog on the smaller side, it consistently shows problems within housebreaking; effective and consistent training the first few weeks of bringing the dog home will prove to be the only way to ensure no accidents occur within the home.


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41.081445, -81.519005
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Ruby C. Rossi
Ruby C. Rossi
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