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2 brindle pit bull puppies

American Pit Bull Terrier 659 views For Sale ID: 29712
$ 100.00

Published on October 12, 2023. Modified on October 12, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


I want to find new homes for two pitbull puppies who are around 6 months old. One is a light-colored male and the other is a dark brindle female. They have both been spayed/neutered, have received all their vaccinations, and have been microchipped. These puppies are siblings and have always been together, so they have a strong bond. It would be great if they could go to the same home, but it's not mandatory. There is a small fee for rehoming them, but we can discuss and negotiate it.


Jacksonville FL
United States
30.336827, -81.762320704
(813) 567-xxxx Send message
Jasmine Lemley
Jasmine Lemley
1 active listings

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