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3 Red nose pitbull puppies for rehoming

American Pit Bull Terrier 407 views For Sale ID: 29211
$ 1000.00

Published on August 13, 2023


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


Hey there! We have the cutest 7-week-old pitbull puppies that you'll fall in love with. They're a mix of American Terrier and "Red Nose" varieties, and they're just charming! These little pups are super athletic and have the most adorable apple head characteristics. We have 2 male pups and 1 female, all with solid coat colors and striking blue eyes. They're so playful and full of energy, which makes them perfect companions for kids. If you're interested in adopting one of these sweet puppies, please contact us soon. We do ask for a small rehoming fee, but our main priority is finding them a warm and loving forever home.


United States
35.2964487, -89.6617313
(901) 275-xxxx Send message
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