Afghan Hound Puppy for Sale Family Pet

Afghan Hound 2800 views For Sale ID: 29
$ 1000.00

Published on July 30, 2022. Modified on July 30, 2022.



We have an Afghan Hound puppy that I recently purchased. He is house-trained, kid-friendly, and gets along with all the other pets. Conversely, my large male dog picks on him. I'm trying to get several people who might know about him to buy him back. But he needs a good home with no bullies to pick on him. He is a great dog!

Noah was my first Afghan Hound. I have always loved the look of the Afghan Hound and here was an ad in the paper that he was there waiting to be loved. I had no idea what to expect. When I arrived at the shelter, Noah had been shaved. To quote a neighbor, "He looked like a Chihuahua on stilts. He had sores all over his body and was missing teeth and a piece of his tongue from someone kicking him in the mouth. When I asked his caregiver if we could go somewhere less noisy to get acquainted, we went outside and I sat down on the ground and Noah did the same facing me. I looked him in the eye and said, "Noah, would you like to come home with me?" He looked right back at me and took a step forward and put his head on my shoulder. I took that as a yes and he never went back to the shelter. I opened the door to the car and he jumped right in, sat down and waited for me to pay his deposit! When we got home, he walked into the house like he had always lived there, jumped into a big overstuffed chair, and that was his place until he died. Through Noah, I learned how smart, clever, expressive, energetic, and loving the Afghan is. I also learned how to groom him and how much he liked to be "groomed". After his bath, he took every precaution to stay clean. He went for long runs/rides with me. I would ride my bike and he would run 2 miles beside me every day, rain or shine. If he sensed that I was afraid of another person or dog, he would always get in the middle to protect me. Noah provided the comfort and earned the rest that his name implies.

Our Afghan Hound puppies for sale price is $1000


United States
40.3594887, -91.455432
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Eliel Saldana
Eliel Saldana
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