Litter of 10 with five puppies remaining

German Shepherd Dog 365 views For Sale ID: 25995
$ 600.00

Published on July 7, 2022. Modified on July 8, 2022.



We have four males and one female ready for they're forever homes. Have been raised around kids cats and chickens. Love to be outside playing and chasing our children around. We have started potty training and kennel training at night. Puppies were born April 27th and are currently 10 weeks old. Have received their first round of vaccines and have been dewormed.

Mom is a short-haired full German Shepherd who is a service animal for a disabled child. She is not aggressive and loves to be with our children. She will be three in August.

Dad is a long haired German Shepherd who loves to play fetch and find hidden objects in the yard. He loves to join the kids and playing tag. And loves to play in the water. He will be too at the end of this month

We are selling at a reduced amount as we I will be leaving town shortly for vacation.

Please text Sarah at 541-606-5nine63 for more information


United States
44.0505054, -123.0950506
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Sarah Radebaugh
Sarah Radebaugh
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