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German Shepherd Puppies currently available! 6 females

German Shepherd Dog 396 views For Sale ID: 2496
$ 800.00

Published on March 10, 2021. Modified on March 10, 2021.



Puppies currently available! 6 females. Warm And Friendly! Huggable Protection! Loyal, Loveable Puppies come from a Champion line and so are bred for temperament and powerful health. They may be raised on our small farm with a lot of extra focus on correct training and socialization. Puppies are already de-wormed, up-to-date with vaccinations and because of the thumbs up by our veterinarian. We all do require that you have an enclosed yard and focus on taking care of a substantial breed dog that needs exercise and requires your time. Call or text for additional pictures or with any questions: 620-826-5926. We like to this breed and even share our appreciation for German Shepherds at a reasonable cost. All these puppies includes a unique personality and we'll do good that will help you get the one that's perfect for you and your family. CASH ONLY. We do NOT ship puppies. Pure HARTS German Shepherds


United States
37.5472429, -99.6342901
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