8 weeks old Miniature Pinscher male & female puppies ready for loving homes

Miniature Pinscher 705 views For Sale ID: 1230
$ 800.00

Published on February 10, 2021. Modified on February 10, 2021.



We've male & female puppies ready for loving homes. They are 8 weeks old. Mimi's Miniature Pinscher & dad is Shiba Inu. Puppies will most likely be 8-15 lbs. some are a lot smaller as opposed to runners. They're great with kids of all ages! These are crate trained and still have been taking care of potty training. The puppies have gotten their vaccinations and possess been dewormed. Tell us for those who have any queries or would like to generate a time for it to meet.


United States
39.103118, -84.51202
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