Italian greyhound puppy for sale. Born May 25th and raised here accustomed to her brother and 2 sisters by her dad (AKC registered) and her mom (registered, non AKC). If you visit adopt her you'll meet her parents (dad is 17.5 lbs, mom is 15.5 lbs).
The photos come from July 20th together with her weight at 3 lb 4 oz. The past photo is her parents. Jane is a mid-sized girl and according to her siblings out of this and previous litters she'll be about 12-13 pounds when she is adult at one year old enough.
She's weaned and eating small dry puppy kibble and training well on pads and paper. She's rambunctious and squirmy but gentle and cuddly and loves dogs, cats and individuals.
She comes with our vet records showing her deworming / shots / perfect health and our twelve months health guarantee. Her dew claws were removed at birth and her nails are already kept trimmed.
Adoption fee is 900 plus a bit negotiable. This really is mom and dad's third litter together and all sorts of puppies from all the first sort litters in addition to two of her litter mates are finding forever homes and therefore are healthy and happy. Once you know you desire an Italian greyhound and can adopt her being your personal dog, please email or text with info about as well as reveal in regards to the home you'll provide.