Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near El Reno, Oklahoma on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
I have a 8-week-old Rottweiler puppy that needs a new home. He's the last male in the litter and has already received his shots, been wormed, and treated for heartworm, fleas, and ticks. His tail and nails have also been taken care of. He was born on January 31 and is not registered. He currently weighs around 16 to 17 lbs. His paws are as big as the palm of...
We have 5 Rottweiler puppies ready for new homes in El Reno. They are 7 weeks old, have received their shots, been wormed, tails and nails done, and have been vet checked today. They are fat, healthy, eating, and drinking on their own. Asking for an $800 rehoming fee. Please text or call, no emails.
We have four purebred Husky puppies who were born on 03/10/2023. There are 3 males and 1 female. The furry companions are now seeking a loving home to call their own forever!! All puppies have been checked and approved by a vet. They have also received their initial vaccinations and worm medication. The second set of shots is scheduled for Friday! Prices: Fe...