Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Downey, California on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
2 month old shar pei puppies..very playful...first shots...3 males and 1 female available... light brown coat. Excellent guard dogs.... great with kids... already eating hard food... potty trained... ready for new home... If you are interested or have any questions, please call or text me...The price is $900.00 or the best offer.
There were Two brown and white Cavapoo puppies left. They are 10 weeks old. They've been weaned, have had their first deworming and puppy shots, and have been pad trained and kennel trained. I'm asking a rehoming fee. Please text for more information.
7 weeks old AKC Frenchie puppies, Lilac Fawn Blue females and Light Gray males. They're great. Structure is a solid, large head, stalky body, with rolls nor any brindle. They've got the first shots and they're dewormed. The family was born and only inside. Mom is about 20 lbs. The father was studded with 30lbs.
Joyful Toy Maltipoo Puppies searching for a endlessly home. These lovable pups can get together perfectly and fast with anybody. Hypo Allergenic, none shedding. Toddlers include currents rounds of shots, microchip, and dewormed in addition to a wellbeing promise. Rehoming fee is $800 please call me for more information.